Basic flying lesson Lelystad


Basic flying lesson Lelystad

€ 115

20 minutes

Flying lessons without passengers. Fly with an instructor in an airplane for two people.


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1
All year
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 14 on
1.45 m
Minimum height of the participant
1.95 m
Maximum height of the participant
100 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Block Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


20 minutes € 115
30 minutes € 165
45 minutes € 215
60 minutes € 265
75 minutes € 335
Cost Basic flying lesson Lelystad


  • This flying lesson is in a two-person aircraft. No passengers can therefore fly along besides the student
  • The time chosen is the time in the plane. Allow about 40 minutes for theory, preparation and so on.
  • There will be flying only when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong.
  • On the day of your lesson, call the location to see if we can fly safely. You will receive the phone number with your reservation
  • Depending on the (weather) conditions and crowds at the airport, agreed times may be slightly delayed
  • Lessons can also be given in English
  • For gift vouchers sold before 16 January 2023, a fuel surcharge applies in Lelystad. If you buy your gift voucher now, the fuel surcharge is included in the price. The surcharge only applies to Lelystad and is €10 per flight hour. If you fly for a shorter time it is less, so for example €5 for a half-hour flight.
    • At this location, identification is required; please bring your ID card or passport. A driving licence is not sufficient at this location
    • For weekends and holidays there is a surcharge of € 15 per flight. You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly.


Annual agenda

Click on the name to see how far you can fly in:

20 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
75 minutes
90 minutes



out of 5

262 reviews

4.9 out of 5

262 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

· July 2024

Een uitstekende goeie vlucht gehad iets anders dan je weer op de grond staat

  • Leuke ervaring meer motivatie gekregen om piloot te worden
  • De vlucht was te kort het was zo weer voorbei

Had an excellent good flight something different from being on the ground again

  • Nice experience got more motivation to become a pilot
  • The flight was too short it was so again voorbei
Translated from dutch. View original
Yuen Ka Wai
Hong Kong

· July 2024

It was so great. The instructor is nice. Also, he taught good.

  • Everything

It was so great. The instructor is nice. Also, he taught good.

Translated from dutch. View original
Ronald van Zanden

· June 2024

Fantastische ervaring voor mijn zoon (14 jaar oud)!

  • Prima ontvangst en leuke instructeur.
  • Erg warm in de wachtruimte (en geen koffieautomaat gezien?)

Fantastic experience for my son (14 years old)!

  • Perfect reception and nice instructor.
  • Very hot in the waiting room (and no coffee machine seen?)
Translated from dutch. View original

· June 2024

Geweldige ervaring. Naast een mooie vlucht een goede instructeur die rustig uitlegde en waar mogelijk veel zelf liet vliegen.

  • Een half uur is zo voorbij

Great experience. Besides a great flight, a good instructor who explained calmly and let us fly a lot ourselves whenever possible.

  • Half an hour is over in no time
Translated from dutch. View original

· June 2024

Erg leuk en zeer fijne instructeur.
Dit was mijn tweede vliegles. Van te voren goed doorgesproken wat ik graag wilde en dat kwam helemaal goed.
De vorige keer namelijk niet goed doorgesproken en door uiteindelijk ziek de les afgebroken, deze keer niet.

  • Het was allemaal prima. Zo'n klein vliegtuig (AT3) is erg prettig. Maximaal zicht om je heen, misschien een beetje wiebelig, maar daar wen je snel aan.
  • Geen idee, best duur allemaal :-)

Very nice and very fine instructor.
This was my second flying lesson. I had a good discussion beforehand about what I wanted

  • And that worked out fine.
    Last time I did not discuss it properly and ended up cancelling the lesson because I was ill, but not this time. Such a small plane (AT3) is very pleasant. Maximum visibility around you, maybe a bit wobbly, but you quickly get used to that.
  • No idea, quite expensive all round :-)
Translated from dutch. View original

· May 2024

Ik vond het geweldig!
Ik vond het even spannend maar eenmaal in de lucht en dat je dan zelf even de besturing in handen hebt is echt fantastisch !

  • 3 rondjes Bussum 👍🏻
  • Geen

I loved it!
I found it exciting for a while but once in the air and then having the controls yourself for a while is really fantastic !

  • 3 rounds of Bussum 👍🏻
  • No
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 115

20 minutes

Flying lessons without passengers. Fly with an instructor in an airplane for two people.

  • No experience needed
  • 33,277 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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