Cessna flying lesson Lelystad


Cessna flying lesson Lelystad

€ 170

20 minutes

Flying lesson with passengers. Fly with your instructor and 1 or 2 passengers in a Cessna 172


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 3
All year
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 14 on
1.45 m
Minimum height of the participant
2.05 m
Maximum height of the participant
240 kg
Maximum total weight of student and passengers, excluding the instrutor.
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Block Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


20 minutes € 170
30 minutes € 220
45 minutes € 270
60 minutes € 320
75 minutes € 400
Cost Cessna flying lesson Lelystad


  • The Cessna is a four-seater aircraft. In addition to the student, you can therefore take one or two passengers with you
  • The prices are the total for the plane, including any passengers. You are the only ones on board
  • The time chosen is the time in the plane. Allow about 40 minutes for theory, preparation and so on
  • We only fly in daylight, with sufficient visibility and if the wind is not too strong
  • On the day of your lesson, call the location to see if we can fly safely. You will receive the phone number with your booking
  • Lessons are flown between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
  • Depending on (weather) conditions and crowds at the airport, agreed times may be delayed slightly
  • Lessons can also be given in English
  • Flying lessons are given in a Cessna or an equivalent 4-person aircraft, such as a Socata TB9 or Fuji FA200
  • A maximum weight of 110kg per person applies for the Cessna flying lesson Lelystad.
  • Is the student younger than 14 years? Then please contact us about the possibilities
  • For gift vouchers sold before 16 January 2023, a fuel surcharge applies in Lelystad. If you buy your gift voucher now, the fuel surcharge is included in the price. The surcharge only applies to Lelystad and is €12 per flight hour. If you fly for a shorter time it is less, so for example €6 for a half-hour flight.
    • At this location, identification is required; please bring your ID card or passport. A driving licence is not sufficient at this location
    • For weekends and holidays there is a surcharge of € 15 per flight. You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly.


Annual agenda


Also available in:

Click on the name to see how far you can fly in:

20 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
75 minutes
90 minutes



out of 5

389 reviews

4.8 out of 5

389 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Nico Mijnster

· July 2024

Heel bijzonder om eens zelf te kunnen sturen na veel uren oefenen op Ms Flightsimulator. Nagenoeg alles werkte uit als in de sim, alleen was er nu het echte vlieggevoel, en ervaarde ik al een beetje ontwikkeling van stuur-reflexen op wat je voelt. Leuk om te doen!

  • Er werd voor mijn gevoel serieus instructie gegeven bijv. doornemen van de preflightchecks, ook de start mogen doen, een bocht met grote helling en positieve+negatieve G zijn gedaan.
  • Voor mij was de Engels sprekende instructeur wat moeilijk te verstaan, achteraf had ik misschien kunnen vragen om langzamer te spreken. Mijn broer was mee als passagier ("bag of potatoes") en hij had last van de zitting achterin die zodanig "doorgezeten" is dat hij zei meer op stangen te hebben moeten zitten.

Very special to be able to steer myself for once after many hours of practice on Ms Flightsimulator. Almost everything worked out as in the sim, only now there was the real feeling of flying, and I already experienced a bit of development of steering reflexes on what you feel. Fun to do!

  • I felt serious instruction was given, e.g. going through the preflight checks, I was also allowed to do the take-off, a turn with a big slope and positive+negative G were done.
  • For me, the English-speaking instructor was a bit difficult to understand, in hindsight I might have asked to speak more slowly. My brother was along as a passenger ("bag of potatoes") and he was bothered by the seat in the back being so "saggy" that he said he should have sat more on bars.
Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2024

Hele gave ervaring en een aardige instructeur.

Very cool experience and a nice instructor.

Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2024

Geweldige ervaring!

  • Vriendelijk personeel en top instructeur/piloot
  • ?

Great experience!

  • Friendly staff and top instructor/pilot
  • ?
Translated from dutch. View original

· June 2024

De les was een verjaardagscadeau voor mijn man. Hij heeft een fantastische ervaring gehad!

  • De instructie vooraf was goed, de instructeur tijdens de vlucht was hartstikke goed, rustig en vriendelijk. Dat maakte de ervaring nog beter! En ik vroeg vlak voor de vlucht pas of er gefilmd kon worden en er werd meteen meegedacht. Bedankt dat wij, ondanks dat de les verplaatst moest worden, de volgende dag al konden vliegen.
  • Geen, iedereen was vriendelijk en het was gezellig! Heel erg bedankt voor alles!

The lesson was a birthday present for my husband. He had a fantastic experience!

  • The instruction beforehand was good, the instructor during the flight was hearty, calm and friendly. That made the experience even better! And I only asked just before the flight if filming could be done, and they immediately thought of it. Thanks that even though the class had to be rescheduled, we were able to fly the very next day.
  • Everyone was friendly and it was fun! Thanks so much for everything!
Translated from dutch. View original
Jan van Duinen

· June 2024

De vliegles was een verjaardagscadeau voor mijn dochter Willemijn. Ik zat samen met kleinzoon Sjef achterin en zij naast Koen de piloot. Willemijn en wij vonden het super gaaf en de instructies van Koen waren erg duidelijk en leerzaam. Koen nam alle tijd en we hebben een prachtige vlucht over een deel van het IJselmeer gehad.

  • Willemijn mocht na duidelijke instructies zelf op de taxibaan taxiën, opstijgen en in de lucht een mooie draai maken en ervaren hoe het vliegtuig horizontaal te houden. Koen nam het stuur voor de landing weer over en ”baalde” van zijn iets te harde landing door het wegvallen van de wind, de perfectionist!
  • Wellicht een bewijs van deelname, leuk voor aan de muur.

The flying lesson was a birthday present for my daughter Willemijn. I sat in the back with grandson Sjef and she next to Koen the pilot. Willemijn and we thought it was super cool and Koen's instructions were very clear and informative. Koen took all the time and we had a beautiful flight over part of the IJselmeer.

  • Willemijn was allowed to taxi on the taxiway, take off and make a nice turn in the air herself after clear instructions and experience how to keep the plane horizontal. Koen took over the controls again before landing and "regretted" his slightly too hard landing due to the loss of wind, the perfectionist!
  • Maybe a certificate of participation, nice for on the wall.
Translated from dutch. View original

· May 2024

Super ervaring, geweldige piloot en de medewerkers zijn heel meedenkend en ook heel leuk. Een absolute aanrader!

  • Meedenkend, begripvol, professioneel, ervaren en vriendelijk!
  • -

Super experience, great pilot and the staff are very thoughtful and also very nice. Highly recommended!

  • Thinking, understanding, professional, experienced and friendly!
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 170

20 minutes

Flying lesson with passengers. Fly with your instructor and 1 or 2 passengers in a Cessna 172

  • No experience needed
  • 33,277 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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