Flying lesson Lelystad - Texel four-seater aircraft



€ 555


€ 495

€ 555

4-person aircraft

Fly with instructor from Lelystad to Texel and back. In a four-seater aircraft.


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 3
All year
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 14 on
1.45 m
Minimum height of the participant
2.05 m
Maximum height of the participant
240 kg
Maximum total weight of student and passengers, excluding the instrutor.
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Block Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


4-person aircraft € 555
Cost Flying lesson Lelystad - Texel four-seater aircraft


  • Flying will only take place when visibility is adequate and the wind is not too strong
  • There is a maximum total weight (for the student and passengers together) of 240 kg for the four-seater aircraft. And a maximum length of 2.05 m.
  • After arrival in Lelystad, the student will receive a logbook with the first flying hours
  • On the day of your lesson, call the location whether we can fly safely. You will receive the phone number with your reservation
  • Depending on (weather) conditions and crowds at the airport, agreed times may be slightly delayed
  • Lessons can also be given in English
  • For gift vouchers sold before 16 January 2023, a fuel surcharge applies in Lelystad. If you buy your gift voucher now, the fuel surcharge is included in the price. The surcharge only applies to Lelystad and is €42 (4-seater aircraft). You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly
    • At this location, identification is required; please bring your ID card or passport. A driving licence is not sufficient at this location
    • For weekends and holidays there is a surcharge of € 15 per flight. You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly.


Annual agenda


From Lelystad Airport (EHLE) to Texel International Airport (EHTX) and back.
Distance between these airfields is approximately 47 NM (86 km)

Also available in:



out of 5

18 reviews

4.7 out of 5

18 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Gijsbert van Kampen

· May 2024

Geweldige mooie ervaring. Je mag echt veel zelf doen.

  • Geweldige instructeur. Je kan wisselen op Texel zodat 2 de ervaring van vliegen kunnen ervaren.
  • Geen.

Great beautiful experience. You really get to do a lot yourself.

  • Great instructor. You can switch at Texel so that 2 can experience flying.
  • No.
Translated from dutch. View original

· June 2023

Geweldige ervaring! Er komt een stuk meer bij het vliegen kijken dan je zou verwachten, maar daar loodst de instructeur je op een fijn tempo doorheen. Verder heb je genoeg tijd om ook van het uitzicht te genieten, wat op een zonnige dag heel ver is. Ik kan het iedereen aanraden.

  • De ervaring, hoeveel je zelf mag doen, de goede begeleiding van de instructeur, de gedetailleerde informatie die gegeven wordt, dat je constant bezig bent maar nog wel de tijd hebt om te genieten.
  • De Texelvlucht is heel leuk, maar het is zowel heen als terug in een rechte lijn tussen Lelystad en Texel. Het zou leuk zijn als er iets meer verschil zou zitten tussen de twee routes. Wellicht niet mogelijk vanwege alle vliegbeperkingen vanuit Schiphol en de Waddenzee.

Great experience! There is a lot more to flying than you might expect, but the instructor guides you through that at a nice pace. Furthermore, you have enough time to enjoy the view as well, which on a sunny day is quite far. I can recommend it to everyone.

  • The experience, how much you can do yourself, the good guidance from the instructor, the detailed information given, that you are constantly busy but still have time to enjoy.
  • The Texel flight is great fun, but it's both there and back in a straight line between Lelystad and Texel. It would be nice if there was a bit more difference between the two routes. Perhaps not possible because of all the flight restrictions from Schiphol and the Wadden Sea.
Translated from dutch. View original
Alex Settels

· January 2022

We hebben een fantastische les gehad! Met z'n tweeën de les beleven was geweldig. We kregen superduidelijke instructie en mochten meer doen dan verwacht (zelf starten!). De stop op Texel was gezellig met de instructrice. Kortom, een topdag!

  • De instructie was erg duidelijk en gezellig en we mochten meer doen dan verwacht.
  • De brandstoftoeslag was begrijpelijk, maar kregen we pas te horen na het reserveren. Dat had op de website aangegeven kunnen worden.

We had a fantastic lesson! Experiencing the lesson in pairs was great. We got super clear instruction and got to do more than expected (start ourselves!). The stop on Texel was fun with the instructor. In short, a top day!

  • The instruction was very clear and fun and we were allowed to do more than expected.
  • The fuel surcharge was understandable, but we were only told after booking. This could have been indicated on the website.
Translated from dutch. View original
Laura from
Wat fijn om te lezen dat je een leuke dag gehad hebt!

De brandstoftoeslag staat al op de website. Je vindt de opmerking over de brandstoftoeslag namelijk bij het product, onder het kopje 'opmerkingen'. Daarnaast wordt de brandstoftoeslag vermeld in de e-mail die je hebt ontvangen na het reserveren.

· August 2022

Was heel gaaf om te doen.

Was very cool to do.

Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2022

Fantastische vlucht gemaakt van Lelystad naar Texel. Op de landingen na volledig zelf mogen vliegen. Alle checklisten afgelopen en zelf alles mogen instellen. Leuke jonge instructeur.

  • Alles zelf mogen doen.
  • Geen.

Made fantastic flight from Lelystad to Texel. Apart from the landings, we were able to fly entirely by ourselves. Completed all checklists and got to set everything up myself. Nice young instructor.

  • Allowed to do everything myself.
  • No.
Translated from dutch. View original

· May 2022

De vliegles naar Texel en weer terug was super. Heel erg leuk. Na een korte uitleg met de instructeur naar Texel gevlogen en daar samen met de instructeur wat gegeten en gedronken. En weer teruggevlogen. Wij waren met zn drieën, 1 heeft heen en 1 heeft teruggevlogen. Super leuke dag en ervaring.

  • Het zelf vliegen en op aanwijzingen de knoppen bedienen.
  • Geen

The flying lesson to Texel and back was super. A lot of fun. After a short explanation, we flew to Texel with the instructor and had some food and drinks. And flew back again. There were three of us, one flew there and one flew back. Super fun day and experience.

  • Flying yourself and operating the controls on instructions.
  • No need to worry.
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 555

4-person aircraft

Fly with instructor from Lelystad to Texel and back. In a four-seater aircraft.

  • No experience needed
  • 34,419 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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