Glider flying tow start


Glider flying tow start

€ 89

1 takeoff

Fly along in a glider. After a tow start, you'll glide silently through the air.


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 4
April to october
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 8 on
2.00 m
Maximum height of the participant
100 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Guest flight
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Flight Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


1 takeoff € 89
2 takeoffs € 178
Cost Glider flying tow start


  • Gliding is seasonal and has limited capacity. So book well in advance, at least within 6 months of purchasing the voucher
  • Order multiple takeoffs if you want to fly several times or with several people. The starts do not have to be flown by the same person, but on the same day.
  • You can only fly if there is sufficient visibility and the wind is not too strong.
  • If the agreed flying day is cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you will receive a message no later than 08.30 that you do not have to come. If you do not receive a message, you will come to the airport as agreed.
  • You will be expected at the gliding club at 10.30 a.m.
  • The plane is for two people, one of whom will be our pilot. So one person per aircraft can fly along
  • There is no catering facility at this location. Therefore, bring your own lunch and drinks.
  • This experience can also be followed by English speakers
  • Dogs are allowed on the field, provided they are kept on a lead


Annual agenda


  • Weelde

Also available in:



out of 5

12 reviews

4.8 out of 5

12 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
AJ Dybel

· June 2024

The flight was well organized, the service was perfect, the pilot was experienced. Unfortunately, my individual impressions were slightly less perfect. It wasn't fun for me, the experience gained in the air convinced me to stay on the ground.

  • Pilot, wheater, atmosphere...all
  • Geen min punten :)

The flight was well organised, the service was perfect, the pilot was experienced. Unfortunately, my individual impressions were slightly less perfect. It wasn't fun for me, the experience gained in the air convinced me to stay on the ground.

  • Pilot, wheater, atmosphere...all
  • No minus points :)
Translated from dutch. View original

· June 2024

We waren naar Weelde in België geweest . Wat een geweldige mensen zo ongedwongen heel vrij . Een leuke ervaring het zweefvliegen .

  • België en de mensen waarmee het zweefvliegen mee gedaan werd
  • Mogelijkheid tot een kop koffie 😉

We had been to Weelde in Belgium . What great people so relaxed and free . A nice experience gliding .

  • Belgium and the people with whom the gliding was done
  • Possibility of a cup of coffee 😉
Translated from dutch. View original

· September 2023

In een woord, wauw! Wat een super toffe ervaring! Echt een aanrader voor iedereen om te doen. Wij hadden enorm geluk met het weer waardoor we een halfuur tot driekwartier per persoon in de lucht zaten. Hier heeft niemand invloed op, maar wij waren er erg gelukkig mee! Super fijne crew en lieve mensen.

  • Het team, de activiteit!
  • Nu we de smaak te pakken hebben willen we vaker gaan ;)!

In a word, wow! What a super cool experience! Highly recommended for everyone to do. We were extremely lucky with the weather which meant we were in the air for half an hour to three quarters of an hour per person. This is beyond anyone's control, but we were very happy with it! Super nice crew and lovely people

  • The team, the activity!
  • Now that we have a taste for it, we want to go more often ;)!
Translated from dutch. View original
Iris Koenders

· August 2023

Het was een super leuke ervaring, de mensen zorgen goed voor je en leggen veel uit. Veel geleerd die dag en super veel gezien, je zit comfortabel in stoeletjes of op de picnicbank.

  • Het was bijzonder om beide sleepstart en via het touw te zien.
  • Niks, super leuk!

· June 2023

Super om te zweefvliegen. Erg gaaf! Deskundige zweefvliegpiloot

  • De ervaring zelf
  • Betere onthaal bij beginpunt. We konden ons nergens melden. Uiteindelijk door hulp van iemand naar de juiste locatie geholpen, anders hadden we de startbaan nooit gevonden

Super to glide. Very cool! Expert glider pilot

  • The experience itself
  • Better welcome at starting point. We couldn't report anywhere. Eventually helped by help from someone to the right location, otherwise we would never have found the runway
Translated from dutch. View original

· June 2023

Ik vond het super leuke ervaring.
Met een leuke piloot Piere .
Een mooie zweefvlucht gemaakt.

  • Ik kon ook eerder terecht dus hoefde niet lang te wachten
  • Geen

I thought it was super fun experience.
With a nice pilot Piere .
Made a beautiful gliding flight.

  • I could also go earlier so didn't have to wait long
  • No need to wait.
Translated from dutch. View original

€ 89

1 takeoff

Fly along in a glider. After a tow start, you'll glide silently through the air.

  • No experience needed
  • 33,280 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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