Familiarisation day gliding Terlet


Familiarisation day gliding Terlet

€ 169

1 person

Learn the basics of gliding yourself during this introductory day.

Please note that in the season 2024 there is hardly or no availability anymore


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1
April to september
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 14 on
2.00 m
Maximum height of the participant
100 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Flight Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


1 person € 169
2 persons € 335
Cost Familiarisation day gliding Terlet


  • Gliding is seasonal and has limited capacity. So book well in advance, at least within 6 months of purchasing your voucher
  • We only fly when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong
  • Call the location the afternoon before your lesson to check whether we can fly safely. You will receive the number with your reservation
  • Should the weather change during the course day, you can complete the remaining flights at a later time
  • The voucher is not personal but once the course has started you cannot change students
  • The programme starts at 9.15 a.m. and lasts until approximately 5 p.m.
  • Classes can also be taught in English
  • Dogs are allowed on the field, provided they are kept on a lead
  • Don't see availability for next year yet? That's because available days are always determined in spring. Usually around February/March


Annual agenda


  • Terlet

Also available in:



out of 5

42 reviews

4.9 out of 5

42 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

· July 2024

Superervaring: met een zweefvliegtuig de lucht in. De wolkenhemel is nooit meer hetzelfde: gewone stapelwolkjes verklappen waar de thermiek zit. Drie keer gevlogen (2x lang, 1x kort), en geen vlucht is hetzelfde. Leuke mensen ook.

Super experience: taking to the skies in a glider. The cloud sky is never the same again: ordinary pile clouds reveal where the thermals are. Flown three times (2x long, 1x short), and no flight is the same. Nice people too

  • .
Translated from dutch. View original
Rob Morsch

· June 2024

Geweldige ervaring en perfect geregeld.
Nadat het meerdere keren niet door kon gaan wegens de weersomstandigheden hebben we uiteindelijk een topdag gehad.

  • Het vliegen is een geweldige ervaring.
    Aardige en vakkundige mensen die je begeleiden en alles stap voor stap uitleggen.

Great experience and perfectly organised.
After several cancellations due to weather conditions, we finally had a great day.

  • The flying is a great experience.
    Nice and knowledgeable people who guide you and explain everything step-by-step.
  • A great experience.
Translated from dutch. View original

· May 2024

Ik vond het een bijzondere en unieke ervaring

  • Ik.kreeg veel uitleg over het zweefvliegen, het vliegtuig en de bediening van het vliegtuig.
  • Toilet plaatsen achter op het veld.

I thought it was a special and unique experience

  • I.received a lot of explanations about gliding, the plane and the operation of the plane.
  • Toilet places at the back of the field.
Translated from dutch. View original

· May 2024

Leuke club met enthousiaste leden die je graag een leuke dag willen laten beleven.

  • Aardige mensen
    Veel vluchten kunnen maken

Fun club with enthusiastic members eager to make you have a great day.

  • Nice people
    Lots of flights
Translated from dutch. View original

· May 2024

Super leuk om te doen. Vooral het zelf mogen sturen en balans houden.

  • Dat je bij de tweede keer al wat vertrouwen krijgt van de instructeur Rick om te mogen sturen.

Super fun to do. Especially being allowed to steer and balance yourself.

  • By the second time, you already get some confidence from instructor Rick to steer.
Translated from dutch. View original
Evelien sanders

· April 2024

Fantastische dag gehad, met enorm veel geluk met het weer

  • Instructeurs, kundig, leuk en vertelden veel gedurende de vlucht. Uberhaupt alle mensen die aanwezig waren, ontzettend vriendelijk en gastvrij
  • Ontvangst met enkel kopje koffie zou helemaal top zijn. Je bent hele dag op het veld, hier is geen toilet aanwezig, kan voor vrouwen wat onhandig zijn.

Fantastic day had, with tremendous luck with the weather

  • Instructors, knowledgeable, fun and told a lot during the flight. Uberhaupt all the people present, incredibly friendly and welcoming
  • Reception with just a cup of coffee would be absolutely great. You are on the field all day, no toilet here, can be a bit inconvenient for women.
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 169

1 person

Learn the basics of gliding yourself during this introductory day.

  • No experience needed
  • 33,278 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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