Familiarisation day gliding drag start


Familiarisation day gliding drag start

€ 169

1 person

Learn the basics of gliding yourself in this one-day course.


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 2
April to october
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 14 on
2.00 m
Maximum height of the participant
100 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Flight Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


1 person € 169
2 persons € 335
Cost Familiarisation day gliding drag start


  • Gliding is seasonal and has a limited capacity. So book well in advance, at least within 6 months of purchasing your voucher.
  • There will only be flown when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong.
  • If the agreed flight day is cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you will receive a message before 08.30 at the latest that you do not have to come. If you do not receive a message, you will come to the airport as agreed.
  • Should the weather change during the course day, you can complete the remaining flights at a later time.
  • The voucher is not personal, but once the course has started you cannot change students anymore.
  • You are expected at 10.30am at the gliding club.
  • There is no catering facility at this location. Please bring your own lunch and drinks.
  • The lesson can also be given in English.
  • Dogs are allowed on the field, but must be kept on a leash.


Annual agenda


  • Weelde

Also available in:



out of 5

7 reviews

4.9 out of 5

7 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

· July 2023

Mooi belevenis om te zweefvliegen. Is heel anders dan n vliegtuig met n motor.

  • Alles…goede uitleg leuke mensen.

Nice experience to glide. Very different from a plane with an engine.

  • Good explanations, nice people.
Translated from dutch. View original

· October 2022

Geweldig, vooral 2e keer de lucht in veel thermiek, lang in de lucht gebleven

  • Cirkelen boven 2 andere zwevers die je onder je kunt zien cirkelen
  • Geen idee

Great, especially 2nd time in the air lots of thermals, stayed in the air for a long time

  • Circling above 2 other gliders you can see circling below you
  • No idea
Translated from dutch. View original

· August 2022

Enorm leuke dag gehad!

  • Fijne sfeer
    Kundige en vriendelijke instructeur
Jan Hendrik ockels

· June 2022

Gemengd, eerste les viel tegen, achterin zitten en helaas geen thermiek op dat tijdstip. Lang wachten en onduidelijkheid over programma, lunch, wanneer weer vliegles

  • De tweede vlucht na lang wachten was bijzonder leerzaam, veel genieten
  • Te lang wachten en onduidelijk programma

Mixed, first lesson was disappointing, sitting in the back and unfortunately no thermals at that time. Long wait and unclear about programme, lunch, when next flying lesson

  • The second flight after long wait was particularly instructive, much enjoyment
  • Long wait and unclear programme
Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2022

Een super toffe ervaring en bijzonder om het vliegtuig te voelen stijgen bij een thermische bel.

  • Enthousiasme van de club leden over de zweefvlieg sport.
  • Het aanbieden van versnaperingen en drankjes.

A super cool experience and special to feel the plane take off at a thermal bell.

  • Enthusiasm of the club members about the sport of gliding.
  • Providing refreshments and drinks.
Translated from dutch. View original
Ivo Breeden

· July 2022

Ik vond het fantastisch!

  • Ik had geluk met de thermiek.
  • Het zou fijn zijn als je ergens koffie kon kopen.

I loved it!

  • I was lucky with the thermals.
  • It would be nice if you could buy coffee somewhere.
Translated from dutch. View original

€ 169

1 person

Learn the basics of gliding yourself in this one-day course.

  • No experience needed
  • 33,277 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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