Glider flying Terlet


Glider flying Terlet

€ 65

1 takeoff

Fly along in a glider. After a quick winch start you float silently through the air.

Please note that in the season 2024 there is hardly or no availability anymore


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 4
April to september
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 8 on
2.00 m
Maximum height of the participant
100 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Guest flight
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Flight Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


1 takeoff € 65
2 takeoffs € 125
3 takeoffs € 189
4 takeoffs € 235
Cost Glider flying Terlet


  • Gliding is seasonal and has limited capacity. So book well in advance, at least within 6 months of purchasing the voucher
  • Order multiple takeoffs if you want to fly several times or with several people. The starts do not have to be flown by the same person, but on the same day.
  • You can only fly if there is sufficient visibility and the wind is not too strong.
  • On the day of your flight, call the location whether we can fly safely. You will receive the number with your reservation
  • The plane is for two people, one of whom is our pilot. So one person can fly per plane
  • This experience can also be followed by English speakers
  • Dogs are allowed on the field, provided they are kept on a lead
  • Don't see any availability for next year yet? That's because available days are always determined in spring. Usually around February/March


Annual agenda


  • Terlet

Also available in:



out of 5

86 reviews

4.8 out of 5

86 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Robert van Tankeren

· July 2024

Heel gaaf. Goeie instructeur, vriendelijk en behulpzaam.

  • Door de wisselende weersomstandigheden was de 1e vlucht wat kort, waarop hij zelf aanbood nogmaals te gaan. En heel veel info tijdens de vlucht, heel erg mooi om eens mee te maken.

Very cool. Good instructor, friendly and helpful. Due to the changing weather conditions, the first flight was a bit short, after which he himself offered to go again. And lots of information during the flight, very nice to experience.

Translated from dutch. View original
Marlies Snoeck

· July 2024

In het algemeen was het een mooie ervaring. Jammer dat wij niet wisten dat je lang van te voren aanwezig moest zijn. in de brief stond 15 minuten voordien. De start is erg pittig maar daarna is het genieten

  • Het enorm verre uitzicht
  • Geef aan dat je eerder dan 15 minuten voordien aanwezig moet zijn. dat was voor mijn kinderen leuker geweest.

Overall, it was a nice experience. Too bad we did not know that you had to be present long in advance. the letter said 15 minutes before. The start is very brisk but after that it is enjoyable

  • The hugely distant views
  • Indicate that you have to be present earlier than 15 minutes before. that would have been more fun for my children.
Translated from dutch. View original

· July 2024

Erg leuk, goede uitleg en mooie vlucht

  • Alles, piloten hadden humor en veel plezier in wat ze deden
  • ?

Very nice, good explanations and beautiful flight

  • All, pilots had humour and a lot of fun in what they were doing
  • ?
Translated from dutch. View original
Eddy Scholten

· July 2024

Gisteren heb ik een vlucht gemaakt met jullie piloot Wiebe. 

Ik heb zo erg genoten, ik heb zoveel informatie gekregen en het was zo geweldig dat hij mij vroeg even mee te gaan naar de lier..... ...... ik heb genoten, een fantastische vlucht, veel informatie en de bonus om naar de lier mee te gaan! 

Ook de meneer bij de lier verdient alle lof, ik vond het geweldig om mee te maken hoe dat oplieren werkt,  heel hartelijk dank ook aan deze medewerker (ik weet zijn naam niet meer).

Mijn broer en ik hebben zo enorm genoten, zeker van jullie manier van doen!!, zo fijn!!

Nogmaals hartelijk dank voor deze onvergetelijke ervaring, en aan Wiebe; ik heb nog nooit zoveel informatie gekregen en begrepen over een onderwerp wat ik erg leuk vind,........ vliegen!!!......... Thanks!!

Vriendelijke groet, 

Eddy Scholten 

  • Alles, heel goed geregeld
  • ?

Yesterday, I took a flight with your pilot Wiebe.

I enjoyed it so much, I got so much information and it was so great that he asked me to go along to the winch for a while..... ...... I enjoyed it, a great flight, lots of information and the bonus of going along to the winch!

Also the gentleman at the winch deserves praise, I loved witnessing how that winching works, many thanks also to this employee (I don't remember his name).

My brother and I enjoyed it so much, especially your way!!!, so nice!!!

Thanks again for this unforgettable experience, and to Wiebe; I have never received and understood so much information on a subject I really like,........ flying!!!!......... Thanks!!!

Kind regards,

Eddy Scholten

  • Everything, very well done
  • ?
Translated from dutch. View original
Jeannette Peters

· July 2024


  • Eddie legde alles duidelijk uit. Nam ook de tijd om vragen te beantwoorden.
  • Het was eigenlijk te warm die dag.


  • Eddie explained everything clearly. Also took time to answer questions.
  • It was actually too hot that day.
Translated from dutch. View original
Karin Liefhebber
Arendonk (België)

· June 2024


  • Prachtige omgeving, fijne instructeur

Wonderful surroundings, fine instructor

Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 65

1 takeoff

Fly along in a glider. After a quick winch start you float silently through the air.

  • No experience needed
  • 33,281 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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