Flying without fear training Ostend


Flying without fear training Ostend

€ 399

1 person

Overcome your fear of flying during this private training in a full motion simulator.


Nederlands Français English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 5
All year
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 12 on
Flying lesson
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Block Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


1 person € 399
Cost Flying without fear training Ostend


  • The training takes about 2 hours.
  • In addition to the student, up to 4 people can join you in the simulator, at no extra cost.
  • This is a private program, you follow it only with the instructor. There are no other participants in the simulator.
  • This training can also be given in English or French.
  • Is the participant younger than 12 years old? Please contact us about the possibilities.


Annual agenda


  • Ostend

Also available in:



out of 5

1 reviews

5.0 out of 5

1 reviews

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1 star

· February 2022

Een kijkje achter de schermen van een vlucht :)
Heel goed geamuseerd! Veel maar interessante uitleg, veel bijgeleerd. De moeite om eens te beleven

  • Makkelijk te reserveren en de locatie te vinden. Goed uitgelegd.
  • Dacht eerst de prijs 😉
    Maar de prijs weegt niet op tegen de top belevenis

A behind-the-scenes look at a flight :)
Very well amused! Lots of but interesting explanations, learnt a lot. Worth experiencing once

  • Easy to book and find the location. Well explained.
  • First thought was the price 😉
    But the price outweighed the top experience
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 399

1 person

Overcome your fear of flying during this private training in a full motion simulator.

  • No experience needed
  • 33,277 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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