Skydive Texel


Skydive Texel

€ 199

1 person

Jump together with an instructor with a free fall. From 9000 or 13000 feet height.


Nederlands English
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1 - 7
April to october
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 8 on
1.20 m
Minimum height of the participant
100 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Tandem jump
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


1 person € 199
2 persons € 398
3 persons € 597
4 persons € 796
5 persons € 995
Cost Skydive Texel


  • Jumping is only possible in good weather conditions: sufficient visibility, the wind not too strong and dry.
  • Call the location on the day of your jump to see if we can jump. You will receive the phone number with your reservation.
  • Depending on the weather conditions and the activity on the field the agreed times can be a bit longer.
  • Total program takes about 2 hours
  • At three kilometers altitude it is cooler than on the ground. You are so full of adrenaline that you do not even notice it
  • When booking, you immediately book a reporting time. This is the time at which you must be present to register.
  • This experience can also be followed in English
  • Jumping can be done from about 8 years of age. It is important that you fit well in the harness, for this you must be at least 120cm and have a normal posture. Under 18 years, written permission from one of the parents is required
  • There is no maximum age, as long as you have a reasonable condition and meet the other requirements, you can jump far beyond your retirement age.
  • Skydiving during pregnancy is not recommended.
  • Before landing it is important that you can pull your knees up to your chest.
  • If conditions are very favorable, persons of slightly over 100kg can also jump. Please contact us for more information before you make a reservation.
  • You can also have this unique experience recorded by a cameraman (or woman). The cameraman will film you during the briefing, in the plane and will jump with you. He will film the entire jump including free fall and landing. Afterwards the images will be edited and you will receive a link to download them. On the ground and in the plane the cameraman can film several jumpers. In the air he can only focus on one tandem. This option is only available during the summer season, from April to October.


Annual agenda


  • Texel

Also available in:



out of 5

44 reviews

4.9 out of 5

44 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star

· May 2023

Super, mooi weer, geweldig uitzicht, super duo springer
Leeftijd is geen belemmering, leuk, veilig en onvergetelijk

  • Vrijheid als een vogel
  • Zou niets kunnen verzinnen

Super, nice weather, great views, super duo jumper
Age is no barrier, fun, safe and unforgettable

  • Freedom like a bird
  • Couldn't think of anything
Translated from dutch. View original

· April 2023

Een hele ervaring/ goede instructie en begeleiding. Spannend dat wel!

  • Ik heb het zo intens ervaren. Gevoel dat ik totaal " los" was en heb meer dan één uur nodig gehad om weer op " Aarde" te komen, wat een bijzondere ervaring./ dank jullie wel!
  • Hou het zo 👍

Quite an experience/ good instruction and guidance. Exciting though!

  • I experienced it so intensely. Feeling that I was totally " loose" and needed more than one hour to come back to " Earth", what a special experience./ thank you!
  • Keep it that way 👍
Translated from dutch. View original

· September 2022

It was amazing experience. I recommend to everyone!

  • Uitstekend
  • I don't have minpunten 😊

It was amazing experience. I recommend to everyone!

  • Excellent
  • I don't have any minuses 😊
Translated from dutch. View original
Joan sijmons
't Zand

· August 2022

Fantastisch geweldig supergaaf

  • De vrije val was t mooiste
  • Niks het is superleuk gedaan

Fantastic awesome super cool

  • The free fall was t best
  • Nothing it is super fun done
Translated from dutch. View original
Manna paul

· June 2022

Superspannend en leuk

  • Goede ervaren instructeur
  • Lange wachttijd, twee uur, maakt zenuwachtig, en chaotische voorlichting waarom je niet op de afgesproken tijd kan springen

Super exciting and fun

  • Good experienced instructor
  • Long waiting time, two hours, makes you nervous, and chaotic information about why you can't jump at the agreed time
Translated from dutch. View original
Hendrik Hovenkamp

· July 2022

Super gaaf en spannend vooral toen die deur open ging en mijn beentjes buitenboord kwamen en er geen weg terug was. Die vrije val met een snelheid van 200 km/uur ( was blij dat er snelheids controle was😂). Mijn eerste sprong echt een belevenis.

  • Echt goede begeleiding en hele aardige leuke mensen.
  • Wat voor mij minder mooi was een snelle afdaling en het snel draaien daar heb ik een wit neusje van overgehouden en voelde mij na afloop niet echt super. Maar ondanks dit was het super leuk en bij een eventuele volgende keer zou ik mijn tandem man/vrouw vragen geen snelle draaien te maken. Super beleving, bedankt voor alles.

    Groetjes Hendrik

Super cool and exciting especially when that door opened and my little legs came out and there was no way back. That freefall at 200 km/hour (was glad there was speed control😂). My first jump really was an experience.

  • Really good guidance and very nice nice people.
  • What was less nice for me was a fast descent and the fast turn that left me with a white nose and I didn't really feel super afterwards. But despite this it was super fun and next time I would ask my tandem man/woman not to make any fast turns. Super experience, thanks for everything.

    Greetings Hendrik
Translated from dutch. View original
No obligations

€ 199

1 person

Jump together with an instructor with a free fall. From 9000 or 13000 feet height.

  • No experience needed
  • 34,435 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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