Congratulations! You took the first step to a great new experience. Customize your experience as you wish:
A maximum of 2 student pilots can sit in the cockpit. The package for 1 person consists of a 20-minute briefing, 20-minute instruction and 20 minutes of independent flying. The package for 2 people consists of a 20-minute briefing, 20-minute instruction per person and 60 minutes flying together.
Want to fly independently or together in the simulator for another 60 minutes after the lesson? Then choose extra time in the simulator. You can fly in VR if you like.
Would you like to receive our theory booklet "Hoe vliegt een Vliegtuig?" (How an aeroplane flies) by mail? More info
How many vouchers do you wish to order?
Ruud from Lekkerkerk:“Quite an experience, tastes like more. Was well set up in a more realistic (flying) environment.”
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