How much does Blackshape flying lesson in Lelystad cost?
The price for Blackshape flying lesson in Lelystad is from € 175. This price is for 20 minutes. You can choose extra options in the compose and order of the experience. Below you can see an overview of the different options you can choose from, with the corresponding prices.
How long do you like to fly?
This flying lesson is available from 20 minutes. The chosen time includes taxiing to the runway, which takes about 5 minutes. If you want to fly longer, choose an extension to:
20 minutes | € 175 |
30 minutes | € 225 Most popular |
45 minutes | € 275 |
60 minutes | € 325 |
75 minutes | € 405 |
90 minutes | € 495 |
Gift package
Would you like to receive our theory booklet "Hoe vliegt een Vliegtuig?" (How an aeroplane flies) by mail? The extra costs are € 11.
Further good to know
Experience is not necessary. Blackshape flying lesson is not seasonal, so the activity takes place all year round. You can also find the available days in the calendar of the experience.
There is a minimum age for participation of 14 year. There is a minimum length of 1.45 m. The maximum length of the participant is 1.95 m. The participant must weigh a maximum of 95 kg, including their own clothes and shoes. If you order today, your ticket or gift certificate 2 year is valid.
- This flying lesson is in a two-seater aircraft. Besides the student, no passengers can fly.
- The student sits in the back of the plane
- The chosen time is the time in the plane. Count on about 40 minutes for theory, preparation and so on.
- There will only be flown when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong.
- Call the location on the day of your lesson to find out if it is safe to fly. You will receive the phone number with your reservation
- Depending on the (weather) conditions and crowds at the airport, the agreed times may be a little later
- The lesson can also be given in English
- Due to the high fuel prices, there is currently a fuel surcharge of € 10 per flying hour. If you fly shorter, it is less, so for example € 5 for a half hour flight. You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly
- At this location, identification is required; please bring your ID card or passport. A driving licence is not sufficient at this location
- For weekends and holidays there is a surcharge of € 15 per flight. You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly.
Already excited?
Want to know more about Blackshape flying lesson in Lelystad? Please click on More Information to go to the product page. Here you will also find photos, reviews and the calendar with availability. Click on Customize to create and order your gift certificate or ticket.
Have fun!