Flying a gyrocopter


Flying a gyrocopter

€ 119

30 minuten

You fly along in a gyrocopter. The propeller is driven by the airflow.


English Deutsch
This experience is available in these languages.
Persons 1
All year
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher.
Age From 10 on
1.20 m
Minimum height of the participant
2.00 m
Maximum height of the participant
120 kg
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety.
Guest flight
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along.
Block Time
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing.
2 years
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen.


30 minuten € 119
45 minuten € 165
60 minuten € 209
Cost Flying a gyrocopter


  • The time selected is the time in the gyrocopter. Allow about 20 minutes for explanation and preparation etc.
  • There will only be flown when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong
  • Call the location on the day of your flight to find out if it is safe to fly. You will receive the phone number with your reservation
  • Instruction can be followed in German and English


Annual agenda


Click on the name to see how far you can fly in:

30 minuten
45 minuten
60 minuten



out of 5

2 reviews

4.0 out of 5

2 reviews

5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
Odette van Lankeren

· May 2023

Ik vond het een fantastisch uitje, in het begin best spannend. Het is namelijk een open gyrocopter waardoor je veel wind pakt, maar daardoor extra spectaculair is.

  • Het is een bijzonder vervoersmiddel. Gevoel van vrijheid.
  • In jullie brochure staat dat het om een dichte gyrocopter gaat. Das niet het geval. Je hebt namelijk best wat lef nodig om in een open gyrocopter te vliegen.

I thought it was a fantastic outing, quite exciting at first. This is because it is an open gyrocopter which means you catch a lot of wind, but is therefore extra spectacular.

  • It is a special means of transport. Feeling of freedom.
  • In your brochure it says it is a closed gyrocopter. That is not the case. It takes a lot of guts to fly in an open gyrocopter.
Translated from dutch. View original
Drogteropslagen NL

· August 2022

Er had vantevoren wel iets meer uitleg mogen zijn, dat was bij de boeking ook verteld. 20 min uitleg over het vliegen & vliegtuig. En 45 min vliegen.
Echter alleen tanken starten en landen binnen die 45 min.

  • Er is rekening gehouden met het grondzicht … als we hoger vlogen was er ivm nevel minder zicht.
  • Mij niet enthousiast gehouden om zelf gyrocopter vliegles/ brevet te willen halen. Wat wel de bedoeling was.
    Het was meer een productie/ cq business ipv lange termijn.

There could have been a bit more explanation beforehand, which was also told when booking. 20 min explanation about flying & plane. And 45 min of flying.
However, only refuelling, take-off and landing within these 45 minutes. Which was the intention.
It was more a production/ cq business instead of long-term.

Translated from dutch. View original

€ 119

30 minuten

You fly along in a gyrocopter. The propeller is driven by the airflow.

  • No experience needed
  • 34,419 bought
  • Specialist in flying lessons
  • English speaking instructors

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