About the category flight training
You will find more comprehensive packages of flying lessons at flight training courses.One step beyond a regular flying lesson is a step-up course. Here, you take several flying lessons. The taster courses are particularly suitable if you want to find out whether getting your pilot's licence is for you. You do not commit yourself to a full training course yet. We always recommend doing this first. Especially if you have the dream of getting your licence, but have never flown yourself. A taster course is also suitable to see if you click with your instructor. After your course, you can always pay extra per lesson and continue learning and practising all the way up to your licence.
Please note: the taster courses for gliding are not in this category. For this, go to the category Gliding.
In addition, you will find the package for the Class Rating MLA here. This package supplements your PPL/LAPL licence with an MLA rating. So this package is only suitable if you already have a licence.