How much does Paragliding License 1 in Almelo cost?
The price for Paragliding License 1 in Almelo is from € 799. This price is for 15 starts. You can choose extra options in the compose and order of the experience. Below you can see an overview of the different options you can choose from, with the corresponding prices.
Number of starts
The number of starts included in your course
15 starts | € 799 Most popular |
Further good to know
Experience is not necessary. The season runs from March to november. You can also find the available days in the calendar of the experience.
There is a minimum age for participation of 14 year. The participant must weigh a maximum of 100 kg, including their own clothes and shoes. If you order today, your ticket or gift certificate 2 year is valid.
- The voucher is not personal. Once the course has started, it is no longer possible to switch students
- Paragliding is only possible in good weather conditions: sufficient visibility, the wind is not too strong and dry
- Call the location on the day of your course if we can fly safely. You will receive the number with your reservation
- The courses start at 10.30 am
- The course can also be given in English
Already excited?
Want to know more about Paragliding License 1 in Almelo? Please click on More Information to go to the product page. Here you will also find photos, reviews and the calendar with availability. Click on Customize to create and order your gift certificate or ticket.
Have fun!