Basic flying lesson Lelystad
€ 115
20 minutes
Flying lessons without passengers. Fly with an instructor in an airplane for two people.
Spoken languages | |
This experience is available in these languages. | |
Persons | 1 |
Season | All year |
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher. | |
Age | From 14 on |
Min. height | 1.45 m |
Minimum height of the participant | |
Max. length | 1.95 m |
Maximum height of the participant | |
Max. weight | 100 kg |
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety. | |
Participation | Flying lesson |
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along. | |
Time | Block Time |
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing. | |
Valid for | 2 years |
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen. |
20 minutes | € 115 |
30 minutes | € 165 |
45 minutes | € 215 |
60 minutes | € 265 |
75 minutes | € 335 |
Cost Basic flying lesson Lelystad |
- This flying lesson is in a two-person aircraft. No passengers can therefore fly along besides the student
- The time chosen is the time in the plane. Allow about 40 minutes for theory, preparation and so on.
- There will be flying only when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong.
- On the day of your lesson, call the location to see if we can fly safely. You will receive the phone number with your reservation
- Depending on the (weather) conditions and crowds at the airport, agreed times may be slightly delayed
- Lessons can also be given in English
- For gift vouchers sold before 16 January 2023, a fuel surcharge applies in Lelystad. If you buy your gift voucher now, the fuel surcharge is included in the price. The surcharge only applies to Lelystad and is €10 per flight hour. If you fly for a shorter time it is less, so for example €5 for a half-hour flight.
- At this location, identification is required; please bring your ID card or passport. A driving licence is not sufficient at this location
- For weekends and holidays there is a surcharge of € 15 per flight. You can pay this at the flight school when you come to fly.
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out of 5
272 reviews
4.9 out of 5
272 reviews
5 stars | 247 | |
4 stars | 19 | |
3 stars | 5 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 1 |
· December 2024
Erg genoten, positieve ervaring. Gevlogen samen met Marielle, zij heeft veel uitleg en goede begeleiding gegeven
Very much enjoyed, positive experience. Flew together with Marielle, she gave lots of explanations and good guidance
- .
· November 2024
Ontzettend leuke zondag ochtend gehad met 2 vrolijke en blije jonge piloten. Het weer en het zicht was geweldig en ook de instructeur was erg goed en
- Bijzonder dat ze uiteindelijk samen in een vliegtuig konden vliegen, terwijl het oorspronkelijk gepland was allebei apart.
- Timing en ontvangst, nu erg rommelig allemaal. we werden eerst wel in de lounge geplaatst, maar pas na kwartier/20 minuten kwam er iemand naar ons toe
Incredibly fun Sunday morning with 2 happy and joyful young pilots. The weather and visibility was great and also the instructor was very good and
- Special that they ended up being able to fly together in a plane, whereas it was originally planned both separately.
- Timing and reception, now very messy all. we were first placed in the lounge, but only after 15 minutes/20 minutes someone came to us
· November 2024
Het was een ontzettend leuke ervaring met prachtig weer met een geduldige en vriendelijke instructeur. Ik kom graag nog een keer terug voor een herhaling of vervolg.
- Goede uitleg en toelichting, veel vertrouwen van de instructeur om vanaf take-off zelf handelingen uit te mogen/kunnen voeren.
It was an incredibly fun experience with beautiful weather with a patient and friendly instructor. I would like to come back again for a repeat or follow-up.
- Good explanations and explanations, a lot of confidence from the instructor to be allowed/able to perform actions myself from take-off.
· September 2024
Gaaf en eng tegelijkertijd, op den duur werd dat steeds minder eng natuurlijk! :P
Zou het later, als het me beter uitkomt, nog wel een keer willen doen. :)
- Bijzonder gaaf.
- Geen idee.
Cool and scary at the same time, in time that became less and less scary of course! :P
Would like to do it again later, when it suits me better. :)
- Extremely cool.
- No idea.
· September 2024
Een hele leuke ervaring gehad.
- De uitleg en het vliegen.
- Jammer dat het restaurant dicht was en mijn vrouw niet op het dak kon filmen.
Had a very nice experience.
- The explanations and flying.
- Bummer that the restaurant was closed and my wife could not film on the roof.
€ 115
20 minutes
Flying lessons without passengers. Fly with an instructor in an airplane for two people.
- No experience needed
- 35,577 bought
- Specialist in flying lessons
- English speaking instructors