Fear of flying course Schiphol
€ 315
1 or 2 persons
Overcome your fear of flying during this private training in a static simulator.
Spoken languages | |
This experience is available in these languages. | |
Persons | 1 - 2 |
Season | All year |
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher. | |
Age | From 16 on |
Participation | Flying lesson |
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along. | |
Time | Block Time |
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing. | |
Valid for | 2 years |
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen. |
1 or 2 persons | € 315 |
Cost Fear of flying course Schiphol |
- This is a private programme, you follow it only with the instructor. There are no other participants with
- You can take this fear of flying course with a maximum of 2 participants at the same time
- You can take a maximum of 2 spectators in the simulator. These spectators do not take part in the fear of flying course, but may be present.
- This is a fear of flying course in a static flight simulator. This simulator does not move while flying
- The total programme lasts approximately 2.5 hours
- Underage participants must take an adult with them in the simulator
- The fear of flying course can also be given in English
- You can take photos and film yourself during the course
- At this location, you can change the appointment up to 96 hours before your appointment
- At this location, you can change the appointment up to one time at no cost
out of 5
9 reviews
4.9 out of 5
9 reviews
5 stars | 8 | |
4 stars | 1 | |
3 stars | 0 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 0 |
Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel
· December 2024
Leerzaam en duidelijke uitleg. Heeft mijn vliegangst en die van mijn dochter zeker weggenomen.
- Gaaf om zelf te vliegen en alles heel realistisch mee te maken.
- Heb niet echt minpunten.
Instructive and clear explanations. Has definitely taken away my fear of flying and that of my daughter.
- Gave to fly myself and experience everything very realistically.
- Don't really have any negative points.
· December 2024
Reuze spannend, maar blij dat ik er was en deze ervaring heb gehad. Ben er iets geruster op, en het was een hele prettige, rustige piloot. Veel aan gehad.
- Leuk om zelf ook even te mogen landen
- Kan nu niks bedenken.
Hugely exciting, but glad I was there and had this experience. Am a bit more confident about it, and it was a very pleasant, calm pilot. Got a lot out of it.
- Nice to get to land myself for a while
- Can't think of anything right now.
· September 2024
Erg leerzame interessante ochtend gehad, ruimte gekregen om te praten en vragen te stellen. Daarna een stukje gevlogen in de simulator!
- Praten met een echte piloot, er word geluisterd en goed uitgelegd
- Geen
Very instructive and interesting morning, space to talk and ask questions. Then flew a bit in the simulator!
- Talked to a real pilot, was listened to and explained well
- No
· August 2024
Prettige ervaring, goede uitleg van piloot.
- Zelf mogen vliegen en deskundigheid van ervaren piloot!
- Meer psychologisch advies
Pleasant experience, good explanations from pilot.
- More psychological advice from experienced pilot
· April 2024
Top. Delano voelde al snel aan waar ik op vastloop en heeft hier super op geanticipeerd
- Praktijkervaringen aan de tand kunnen voelen en niet alleen maar theorie
- Ik vond het de kosten waard, maar relatief gezien aan 1x 2,5 uur is het kostbaar
Top. Delano quickly sensed what I was getting stuck on and anticipated this super
- Practical experience and not just theory
- I thought it was worth the cost, but relative to 1x 2.5 hours it is expensive
· April 2024
Simulator was fantastisch, hoop vliegkennis opgedaan, werkt verhelderend om eens zelf achter de knuppel plaats te kunnen nemen
- Simulator was fantastisch, opstijgen vanaf Schiphol, landen in Gatwick..
- Niet
Simulator was fantastic, gained a lot of flying knowledge, works enlightening to be able to take a seat behind the baton yourself for once
- Simulator was fantastic, taking off from Schiphol, landing at Gatwick....
- Not
€ 315
1 or 2 persons
Overcome your fear of flying during this private training in a static simulator.
- No experience needed
- 35,577 bought
- Specialist in flying lessons
- English speaking instructors