How much does Flight Kortrijk - Le Touquet in Kortrijk cost?

The price for Flight Kortrijk - Le Touquet in Kortrijk is from € 759. This price is for 1 flight. You can choose extra options in the compose and order of the experience. Below you can see an overview of the different options you can choose from, with the corresponding prices.

Number of flights

This flying lesson is suitable for up to 2 people. In addition to the student, therefore, one additional passenger may fly along. This price includes a snack and a drink in Le Touquet.

1 flight € 759

Further good to know

Experience is not necessary. Flight Kortrijk - Le Touquet is not seasonal, so the activity takes place all year round. You can also find the available days in the calendar of the experience.

There is a minimum age for participation of 12 year. The maximum length of the participant is 2.10 m. The student and passengers together may weigh up to 240 kg including own clothing and shoes. The instructor is not included. If you order today, your ticket or gift certificate 2 year is valid.


  • Because of the Corona crisis, your voucher is valid for an extra long time, which is 1.5 years. So you have enough time to make an appointment.
  • There will only be flown when there is sufficient visibility and when the wind is not too strong.
  • Besides the student you may take one passenger
  • The prices are the total for the plane, including any passenger and a snack and drink. You are the only ones on board
  • Flights take place between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm
  • Is the student younger than 12 years old? Then please contact us to discuss the possibilities
  • The instructor will call you the day before your lesson to determine if it is safe to fly. You fill in your phone number when you make a booking
  • Depending on the (weather) conditions and traffic at the airport the agreed times may be a little longer
  • The lesson can also be given in English or French

Already excited?

Want to know more about Flight Kortrijk - Le Touquet in Kortrijk? Please click on More Information to go to the product page. Here you will also find photos, reviews and the calendar with availability. Click on Customize to create and order your gift certificate or ticket.

Have fun!

About Eveline van den Boom

The author of this article is Eveline van den Boom. In 2006, she received her first flying lesson as a birthday present; a beautiful flight over Rotterdam. That tasted like more!

In 2010, she got her PPL licence in Lelystad. In 2011, an aircraft was purchased: an Aero AT-3. This aircraft is still flying in the fleet with callsign PH-EVB.

She wrote the theory books "Theory of Flying" and "Theory helicopter flying". These can be ordered with your flying lesson and are also separately for sale on

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