Start fundraiser

Start your fundraising now. Have your experience sponsored and support a good cause with the money you raise.


Give your collection a title and tell why you are organising it.


This is what you are going to do:

Basic flying lesson Lelystad

You can add extra options to your order. The amount to be collected will then be higher:

Required amount:

As soon as the required amount has been received, you will automatically receive a gift voucher for your experience. You can use the number on the voucher to make an appointment on our website.


Is your charity not listed? Please contact us. Please mention the charity you want to raise funds for, its ANBI number and account number. Charities without an ANBI registration can unfortunately not participate.

Also fill in the amount you would like to donate to the charity. We will add this to the amount needed for your experience.

Check this box if you want to raise money for charity. If you do not choose a charity, the fundraiser will automatically stop once you have raised the required amount. If you choose a charity, the fundraiser will continue until the end date.

End date

Please indicate until when the fundraiser runs. A fundraiser lasts a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 180 days. You can still change the end date, as long as the fundraiser runs. A fundraiser can run for up to 180 days.

Visible for everyone

Do you want your fundraiser to be seen by everyone? Then please tick the box below. If you do not tick this box, you can only see the fundraiser by going directly to the link we will send you by email in a few moments.


  • As soon as enough money has been raised for the experience, you will automatically receive the voucher by e-mail. You can use this to make an appointment on this website.
  • If you do not raise enough money for your experience, the amount raised will go to charity. If you have not chosen a good cause, you will receive a voucher for the amount of your fundraising, provided that you have raised 20 euros or more.
  • You cannot change the charity once the collection has started
  • The voucher you get is not exchangeable for money. However, you can exchange it for another experience at a later date and pay for additional options if you wish.
  • will take care of the payment to the charity, you will never receive the collected amount yourself

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