Helicopter flying lesson Lelystad
€ 449
30 minutes
Flying lesson in a two-person helicopter. Fly together with an instructor, without passengers.
Spoken languages | |
This experience is available in these languages. | |
Persons | 1 |
Season | All year |
Only available during in its season. Please check the validity of your voucher. | |
Age | From 15 on |
Max. length | 2.10 m |
Maximum height of the participant | |
Max. weight | 105 kg |
Maximum weight of the student, including clothes. For safety. | |
Participation | Flying lesson |
How you participate: is it a flying lesson or do you fly along. | |
Time | Block Time |
Indicates whether the time periods listed are block times or flight times. Flight time is the time in the air. Block time means from engine on to engine off, thus including taxiing. | |
Valid for | 2 years |
How long the voucher is valid after issue. Dit geldt alleen voor nieuwe bonnen. |
30 minutes | € 449 |
45 minutes | € 599 |
60 minutes | € 719 |
75 minutes | € 849 |
Cost Helicopter flying lesson Lelystad |
- This is in a helicopter for two people. In addition to the student and instructor, no passengers can join
- The chosen time is the time in the helicopter. Allow about 45 minutes for theory, preparation and such
- Flying is only possible with sufficient visibility and when there is not too much wind
- Call the location the day of your flight if we can fly safely. You will receive the number with your reservation
- This lesson can also be given in English
Click on the name to see how far you can fly in:
out of 5
33 reviews
5.0 out of 5
33 reviews
5 stars | 33 | |
4 stars | 0 | |
3 stars | 0 | |
2 stars | 0 | |
1 star | 0 |
· January 2025
Fantastisch om zo'n wendbare machine te kunnen besturen. Ik heb veel gevlogen (vliegtuig, luchtballon, zweefvliegtuig) en parachute gesprongen, maar dit was zeer intens! Geweldige ervaring!
- Heel veel zelf mogen doen!!! Zeer ervaren en relaxte instructeur (Robin), die precies op het goede moment "bijstuurde".
- Duurde veel te kort... 😉
· October 2024
Het was echt super om te vliegen.
- Goede uitleg en het vertrouwen van de instructeur zodat ik aardig wat zelf heb mogen en kunnen doen..
- Geen
It was really super to fly.
- Good explanations and confidence from the instructor so I was allowed and able to do quite a bit myself..
- No
· September 2024
Fantastische ervaring, smaakt naar meer.
- Leuke moderne helikopter, fijne instructeur, goed ontvangst met koffie en fijne uitleg
- Kan ik zo niet bedenken
Fantastic experience, tastes like more.
- Nice modern helicopter, fine instructor, good reception with coffee and fine explanations
- I can't think of any more
· August 2024
Geweldig genoten!
- Bijzonder plezierige instructeur, waardoor de zin toeneemt om met lessen door te gaan.
- Geen verbetering mogelijk, het is allemaal heel goed geregeld.
Great enjoyment!
- Very enjoyable instructor, increasing the desire to continue lessons.
- No improvement possible, it's all very well organised.
· August 2024
In één woord geweldig!
Ik had niet gedacht dat je zelf zoveel zou mogen doen. En dan blijkt maar weer dat helikoptervliegen best lastig is, hoewel het gemak waarmee instructeur Robin alles weer keurig onder controle krijgt het tegenovergestelde lijkt te bewijzen.
Een geweldige ervaring!
- Ontvangst, interactie met instructeur en het weer :-)
- -
In a word, amazing!
I didn't think you would get to do so much yourself. And then it turns out that helicopter flying is quite tricky, although the ease with which instructor Robin gets everything back under control nicely seems to prove the opposite.
A great experience!
- Reception, interaction with instructor and the weather :-)
- -
€ 449
30 minutes
Flying lesson in a two-person helicopter. Fly together with an instructor, without passengers.
- No experience needed
- 35,577 bought
- Specialist in flying lessons
- English speaking instructors